Roger Hill’s Stillborn Midge and ‘The Mighty Midge’

Midge emergers did well for me during a fun over-nighter at the Deerfield and Farmington (here). In fact, two patterns absolutely crushed it. At tailwaters, midges hatch year-round. They’re important bugs for trout, particularly when there isn’t a heavy hatch of something else happening. At the Deerfield, a size 24 Roger Hill’s Stillborn Midge was

Streamers and Wet Flies: My Fly Patterns and Set-Up

My project for the year has been this: fishing streamers and wet flies. Fishing with Joe Drake and reading Dave Hughes’ Wet Flies will do that to you. Every year, I decide to pick a river or a technique on which to focus. I’ll liberally visit other waters or employ other techniques to catch fish,