T’was a quick session today at the Farmington. I started off swinging wets and connected right away with some fish. As we head towards the end of meteorological summer, the trout have been more picky. I really had to work for them this morning. And, one trick I learned was to position myself far away.
Category: Farmington River
The Bite Window
What a tough day. Thank goodness for a little luck from rain. I did the usual routine: pre-loaded the car the night before, awoke early and hit the Farmington at dawn. September is a tough month for fishing (prior post here), but I have to seize my fishing windows when they occur. As with other
The Small Stuff
What’s better than an unexpected Trico spinner fall? I don’t know. I rarely fish on Sundays but was able to fulfill my personal and family obligations yesterday, and so, headed to the Farmington early to be on the water by dawn. I entertained thoughts of going to the Swift, but Alex Bagdonas was there yesterday
Missed the Tricos
Sadly, I missed the Farmington Trico hatch, which is my favorite one. It is the price I’ve paid for having busy work and family schedules. I went to one of my favorite pools, but the hatch had moved upstream. However, I recently was able to spend a morning on the water and ran into oodles