As water temperatures rise, flows normalize and trout face more pressure, my baseline strategy will be to fish caddis and midge patterns. I’ve really enjoyed chucking streamers (prior post here) and will keep doing so for as long as I can, such as at dawn and on rainy days. But, my gut says that the
Category: Blue-Winged Olives
Fall on the Swift
I discovered a large spider web in my left wading boot when I went to pack up the car. I’ll let that serve as the metaphor for how often I have been fishing lately. I have been too tangled in my current web of life to make it to the water. However, I snuck out
June Trip, Part 2: The Deerfield
The Deerfield is a terrific river. But, it’s a working river, and the pulsed flows and size are often not an ideal match for youngsters and those new to wading. For the most part, when we are camping at the Mohawk Trail State Forest with the family, we are primarily fishing small streams (Part 1).
At the Bench: Small Parachute Dries
I was re-reading an old post about throwing dries last summer for big Farmington browns (post here). It was the best fly fishing day of 2017 for me, as there were oodles of fish willing to take small dries, including a 18.5″ brown trout. Here are some of the better fish from that outing. It