I have a major weakness: I’m in love with fly-fishing flies. I really enjoy reading about them, talking about them, visiting fly shops to see them, and making them. If I see/hear/learn something might be effective, I have to use a Jedi Mind Trick (see video above) to keep me from buying or making that
Fish Small Streams This Early Spring
With the winter snows melting, here is the upshot: fish smaller streams. He predicts the large snow pack will blow out our watersheds, but that the feeder streams will settle down faster. Moreover, I emailed with a contact at Massachusetts DFW regarding trout stocking. Unsurprisingly, they’re expecting a delay, but they’re not sure how much.
What a View
Troy, many thanks for the warm welcome! Hi everyone, I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit for spring. For me, there’s only so much fly tying I can do before cabin fever creeps in. So, in Feb., I ventured to the Swift River twice, trudging through three feet of snow with ice crampons at the
The End is Not Near!
Okay guys, great news! Fly Fish MA will not be gone! Jo, a passionate fly fisher from MA reached out to me offering to be a contributor to the blog. He fishes many places around the state, including some of the rivers that I called home (Niss, Swift, etc.), and he will be able to