What a View

Troy, many thanks for the warm welcome!

Hi everyone, I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit for spring. For me, there’s only so much fly tying I can do before cabin fever creeps in.

So, in Feb., I ventured to the Swift River twice, trudging through three feet of snow with ice crampons at the ready on my boots. Unfortunately, no fish seen, not even at the Y-Pool.

But, what a view.

In Massachusetts, we’re actually pretty fortunate. We are close to great hiking, skiing, fly fishing, beaches, mountains, and hunting. We are only one to (at most) two hours away from any of that. Yes, it’s been a long winter, but I’ll take that any time, if it comes with a Super Bowl win.

To give everyone some fortitude after this long winter, I’m a believer that a picture says a thousand words, and, perhaps, a video offers a millennium’s worth.

So, at the bottom (or, click here), please find a snippet. It was taken during a bitter-cold January foray to the Swift: a beautiful 18″ rainbow, ablaze with ruby-red streaks and with jet-black spots. It fell for a dead-drifting #32 midge nymph and battled ferociously. The midge was a painful fly to tie and tie on.

But, what a fish.

Today is Sunday. The sun is bright today and feels warm to the skin. I actually heard birds chirping.

Prep the fly tackle. We’re nearly there.


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5 thoughts on “What a View

  1. Enjoying the new background to the blog! Nice post with an awesome rainbow. That is quite a fish. Seems as though winter is about to relinquish its grip, and I look forward to your future posts.

  2. No fish in the Y-pool? I was there on January 14 and it seemed like every fish in the river was in the Y-pool. Hopefully they found somewhere safe to go and didn't get cleaned out below the bridge.

    Colie (qGqGq from reddit)

    1. Sadly, no. Went there twice in Feb. Zero fish sighted. Another angler reported the same and saw the remains of a sucker on the ice and attributed it to an otter. Agree that Jan, was still good. Caught a number of rainbows there and just below it. And, in The Bubbler.

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