I did a quick trip to the Nissitissit while visiting the folks on Saturday (our free river guide here). There are a couple spots close to my parents’ house, and so, naturally, I couldn’t resist. I have sort of a love-hate relationship with the Nissi. On one hand, it is fairly easy to access and
Category: Nissitissit River
Trout Stocking Update, Fall 2019
Fall is a great time to get out on the water. There are fewer people fishing, as many are chasing deer instead. And, the fish can be brilliantly colored. Here are a few memorable ones from the past. So, a friendly heads-up that MassWildlife has stocked the Deerfield, Squannacook and Nissitissit (current status report here).
Trout Stocking Update and Our River Guides
The stocking trucks in Massachusetts and Connecticut have been rolling (updates, respectively, here and here). The trout season in New Hampshire ends October 15. So, prepare to fish! As of yesterday, the Deerfield, Farmington, Nissitissit, Squannacook, Swift and Westfield have been stocked. The Millers, Quinapoxet and Willimantic (among many others) are on deck for when
Weekend Double-Header
Fished Friday evening and all day Saturday. Friday night was a quick trip to the Nissitissit. I had some time to kill before Evening Sun Fly Shop opened. The river was stocked but very low. Fish were stacked in up in the remaining deep, fast runs. I fished for an hour and went 3 of