Lance Egan’s Frenchie

My first #flytying love: the Frenchie. HT @lanceeganflyfishing. #flyfishing #euronymphing A post shared by BlogFlyFish (@blogflyfish) on May 16, 2017 at 4:10am PDT I think it is great that USA team member Lance Egan now works with the folks at As you may know, Egan has invented some amazing patterns, such as the Red

At the Bench: ‘Touch Dubs’

Competition angler Alec Baker told me about Loren Williams’ fly patterns. He is a sophisticated tightliner, who has competed on the national and global stages. Williams has a great way to create a very spiky look via a “touch dub.”  You put wax on the thread, apply some wisps of dubbing, and then rotate clockwise