I awoke on Saturday morning to the unsettling lack of sound and a quiet house. There was a note on the counter in the barely legible print of an 11 year-old boy: “Gone Fishin’ (to the lake).” Although my first instinct was to hustle downstairs to grab my rod and join my early-rising son and
Category: Competition angling
Frabill Net With Custom Grip
Frabill nets are one of the best values in fly fishing in my opinion. I’ve been using Model 3673 (17″ x 22″) for a few years now. For just a bit more than $20, no other piece of equipment has delivered as much bang for the buck. My only complaint is the large hoop size
Video Review: ‘Adaptive Fly Fishing’ with Lance Egan and Devin Olsen
We’re very happy to welcome back to the team Damon Matus, who had to focus on an important family matter. Great to see you again, Big D! Devin Olsen, Lance Egan, and Gilbert Rowley recently released their third tutorial film, Adaptive Fly Fishing – Strategies for Diverse Water Types (trailer). As in their previous films, the
Lance Egan’s Corn-Fed Caddis
I learn a lot from competition anglers, both in the USA and in Europe. In particular, Lance Egan’s attractor patterns have been money for me. I often fish Frenchies, Rainbow Warriors and Red Darts. I tweak the patterns a bit when I’m feeling industrious, but they’re fundamentally the same flies. Competition anglers compete at stretches