Get the Most Out of Your Mop

There’s no denying the effectiveness of the infamous Mop Fly. What other fly has been featured in the Wall Street Journal? “Fake news!” say the purists, and they’re right – literally. We love to theorize what the Mop might represent; crane fly larva, caddis larva, beetle grubs, cigarette butts, Cheetos, the list goes on. If

What to Make of a Swift Rejection

The Swift River’s trout have a well-deserved reputation.  On the average day, the angler can expect to encounter trout that have variously been described as discerning, persnickety, stubborn, educated, rude, aggravating, spiteful, picky, frustrating and uncooperative. Of course there are periodic breaks when MassWildlife brings in fresh blood, but the truth is that even the