I saw this great post from Team USA member Lance Egan. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lance Egan (@lanceeganflyfishing) As I’ve written before, stoneflies patterns really work. I really like the old reliable, the Pat’s Legs. They’re classic “guide flies”: easy-to-make, and they work. I use variegated chenille and make two
Category: Stoneflies
The Orvis Tactical Wide Gap Hook
Yesterday, I caught up with Alex. He asked about my fishing plans for today, Saturday. I had wanted to get out in the morning and fish. But, with forecasts for prolonged freezing rain, I didn’t want to risk life and limb on desolate side streets. I’ve seen way too many wipe-outs back when I used
Winter Stoneflies and Snowflies
As I wrote previously, I had really good luck fishing a freestone last winter. I didn’t realize it was all about Winter Stoneflies/Snowflies. View this post on Instagram A post shared by BlogFlyFish.com (@blogflyfish) The water was 33 °F and the air was 0 °F. But, over three outings during snowstorms, I landed a
Ready Those Golden Stones
As I wrote, it was a good outing on Saturday at the Farmington. A 16.5″ Survivor Strain brown fell for a Pat’s Legs. So, it makes sense that I’m seeing reports online of Golden Stoneflies getting active. Here’s one from Vermont: Spring is in the air! Already seeing hatches and finding juicy little fish snacks