Is there anything more aggravating than having a fish drop out of its feeding lie, follow your fly downstream for a few breathless seconds, its snout just millimeters away from the gleaming hook, only to reject it at the last second? How about having two fish do the same thing at the same time. Add
Author: Spencer Belson
Early Summer at the Quinapoxet
After 16 years of the same routine, it feels rather weird to not have to ask my parents for a ride any time I want to go somewhere. Negotiating a ride to a fishing spot – especially if that spot was over 20 minutes away – was always an awkward battle between not wasting too
Return to Maine Roots
Welcome to our latest blog team member, Spencer Belson! This is his first post on our blog. While rivers in northern New England only continue to get more crowded, especially in western Maine, it seems remote stillwaters have been spared from the added pressure. If you asked just about any fly shop owner where the