With limited time the last couple weeks I’ve been relegated to local fisheries – not that I’m complaining, I love warm water fishing. The trend of cool, wet weather has continued and the warm water fisheries in the area have responded accordingly. I spotted a number of beds at several lakes but no male bass
Author: Adam Kautza
Cape Cod
I’ve been working down on the Cape parts of the last 2 weeks. I got some fishing in before and after work on most days. As I’m sure everyone in New England is fully aware, the stripers have arrived and the schoolies have been on fire. I’ve heard of bigger fish being caught in a
A few general updates, fishing and otherwise, that might be of interest… First, according to the most recent deliberation of the state Drought Management Task Force, Massachusetts is finally back to normal (i.e., non-drought) conditions for the first time in over two years. The cool and rainy spring we’ve had has made up the rainfall
Warmwater stuff
I had a bit of time after work today and made a quick trip down to a local reservoir a few blocks from my house. I was hoping to see if I could find some carp or a bass or two. The lake doesn’t look like much but hey it’s close. It’s really been an