Robert Christmann: A Fun Day With Mosquitoes

Here’s another guest post from blog reader Robert Christmann. We are always looking for contributions from the broader community.

I have discovered what’s the hardest thing to do on earth.

It’s trying to peer through a head net while fumbling to tie on a #20 Griffith’s Gnat with a swarm of mosquitoes so thick surrounding your fingers that it is hard to distinguish which one is your fly, and, while out in the lake in front of you dozens of large fish are rising so violently it sounds like someone is throwing bowling balls into the water.

“Riseforms” held no meaning here. I have never seen mosquitoes so thick or fish rise so violently, but this was the situation I faced. My nerves were rapidly unraveling.

This was how I found myself at 10 am on one July day at South Delaney Butte Lake in Walden, Colorado. The nutrient rich lakes there produce an abundance of insect life which in turn supports many large, fat trout. There are actually three lakes in the management area, with South Delaney being the main attraction.

There was a super hatch going on and a veritable feeding frenzy. You name it it was hatching. Midges, Damselflies, Callibaetis, Mayflies, floating spinners, etc….. And, I just happened to be there when it was going on. In the immortal words of Dirty Harry, I “felt lucky” that day. Maybe this was normal for this lake in the summer, but I don’t know as I had only fished it a few times.

When I first got there, I stepped out of my truck and was instantly engulfed by a horde of mosquitoes. I had to get back into the truck just to gear up and drown myself with Deet. I had heard that the mosquitoes were usually bad there, so fortunately I had brought my head net. But, this was insane. When I emerged from the safety of my truck, I was swarmed with every one of them trying to find the one spot I missed. Without a head net, it was hard to even breath in without inhaling mosquitoes.

The Griffith’s Gnat is one of my go-to flies when midges are hatching. Simple but effective with nothing more than a few wraps of herl and hackle. Easiest of all to tie. Don’t know who created it. Undoubtedly someone named Gnat.

Guys will float from one end of the lake to the other in tubes and small boats while utilizing the wind to carry them along. All I had with me were my two legs, so I waded out as far as I could to reach the risers.

There were rises all over the place, so I cast around hoping something would pick my fly out, but I was not succeeding. There were so many flies on the surface, it was like a coating of scum. I wasn’t sure my fakes would elicit any strikes with the smorgasbord they had.

At one point, I noticed a fish making a series of five successive rises in a straight line. I cast out in front of the formed line, but it didn’t take.

A huge boil appeared about 40 feet out from me, so I cast to it and let the fly sit. No way could I see the fly but knew about where it landed. Soon, a large fish rose near where my fly sat, I hauled back, and had a good one on. Why it took my fly over all the naturals there, I’ll never know. It must have been my amazingly brilliant lifelike tie that did it.

Line screamed from my reel as the trout made five runs up and down the lake. At one point, it came racing straight back towards me, and I had to strip line in as fast as I could, something that doesn’t always happen on a river. I could see it was a beautiful rainbow near the clear, weed covered bottom.

Some guys in a boat stopped to watch my battle. I’d better not blow it now, I’m on center stage.

I finally got it in. It was a fantastically colored 18” rainbow, not that big for this lake. But what was impressive was it’s height: five inches from its back to the bottom of belly its from a quick measurement. It was like a football and super heavy. The fattest fish for that length I’ve ever caught. It had obviously been gorging itself for years on all this insect life.

Fish continued to rise all around. I’d never seen anything like in my life. Eventually, a wind came up, and all the rising stopped. This was the only one I was able to take that day, but it was enough to get me my fix. It was the kind of experience you dream about but rarely seem to encounter.


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8 thoughts on “Robert Christmann: A Fun Day With Mosquitoes

        1. “Line screamed from my reel as it made 5 runs up and down the lake. At one point it came racing straight back towards me and I had to strip line in as fast as I could,”

          I think it was planning to kill me.

          1. I haven’t hooked many big trout, but one that comes to my mind was on the Farmington two years ago. I saw it hitting on top as I was taking a break sitting on the bank. It was rising periodically 5 or 6 feet off the bank not 20 feet upstream of my position. Had I not been sitting on the bank, I may not have seen the rises. I stepped into the river to cast straight upstream.

            The stimulator I had on drew attention after several casts, I got the take and never before had a trout strip out line that fast. An amazing feeling to have that power hooked to one’s fly rod.

            It ran at me, it ran off to downstream riffles, but I was gaining ground. Not 15 feet away from me when I thought sure I had it coming to net, the fly let go or I got broken off. I will never know being fly line and leader went back of me into the trees. I salvaged what I could of the leader, but didn’t find the fly.

            A memory I will not forget as long as I live.

            1. Wow! There are some big ones there. Very wily and tough to dupe. Awesome that you had one on!

            2. I’ve had the good luck to catch a few very big trout and I agree the experience is awesome. Sometimes all you can do is hang on for dear life and hope it stays on. Nice you at least had it on.
              But watch out as the moment you reach for your net and count your chickens, it’s gone!

  1. Bob, you are so right! They got big for a reason. I’m told trout have brains the size of a pea, but some have some darned good experience packed in there on how to get off. Nothing like having one on, even if it doesn’t come to net.

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