Rising Fish, Wild Trout, and Torn Waders

I did an overnight trip this past weekend with a few buddies from Trout Camp. After a few weeks of saltwater fishing, we all decided that trout would be a nice change of pace.

Since all of us had obligations on Saturday, we met up later that evening at a popular spot near Conway, NH. We had heard good reports about the dry fly fishing there so we decided to scope it out.

After a relatively slow start to the evening, the river suddenly came alive with a mixed emergence of Red Quills and Yellow Sallies. Fish were rising everywhere. Overall, they didn’t seem too picky, and we caught fish on both generic and imitative patterns. The only thing that mattered was an accurate presentation and a drag-free drift. We fished until it got too dark to see our flies and caught oodles of brook and brown trout.

The next morning, we went to a few different spots on another river. Unfortunately, after getting blanked for a couple hours, we called an audible and went to a wild brook trout stream. The decision paid off, and we caught plenty of gorgeous brookies, some quite large for the size of stream they inhabited.

Unfortunately, I tore a few holes in my waders while walking through the woods, so I had to call it an early day. Luckily, Steve at North Country Angler gave me some pointers on how to patch them up. I addressed the tears as soon as I got home. So, hopefully I have a temporary remedy as I save up to buy a more expensive pair.

I stopped at another river on my way home, still bitter about my “accident” and landed a good mix of wild and stocked landlocked salmon, brook, and brown trout.


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7 thoughts on “Rising Fish, Wild Trout, and Torn Waders

  1. Sounded like fun. Good luck with the patches! My waders started leaking from seams (not my patches) and I finally had to replace them. Bit the bullet and bought more expensive waders than what I had been using. Well worth the money especially the amount you young guys fish!!!

    1. Mine also came apart at the seams. Took good care of them. I guess there just is a shelf life to waders?

      1. Yup! Mine did get 8 years use (LLBean) so I can’t really complain. Tried to seal the seams but still too much seepage and I hate clammy feet!

        1. The seam on my LLBean flyweight waders completely ripped open on a trip to Idaho. They replaced it no question for free. Their warranty policy now is more stringent as to the age of their products. Don’t replace for normal wear I believe. Their warranty is excellent.

  2. Nice catching! Sounds like you hit some nice spots.

    I have a two step process for repairing waders:
    1. Aquaseal, if that doesn’t work then
    2. Replace

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