Wild Brook Trout

I awoke early to chase wild brook trout for just a few hours. Off and on, I’ve been exploring small streams. Many times, I hit dead water. Sometimes, I find some fish. Always, though, I learn something.

Today, after last night’s cold snap, I received no hits on nymphs while fishing upstream at a favorite location. Tried a dry-dropper. Nothing.

The water temperature was lower than the last time I was at this particular spot. Perhaps, the fish needed something substantial to encourage them to move?

With nothing to lose, on the way downstream, I put on the JT Special and got a take on the first cast. Thankfully, it didn’t pop off, and I was able to see a gorgeous brookie. What a relief! The skunk was off!

For deeper runs, I added a Rainbow Warrior for more weight and started to tightline again, ending each drift by swinging the flies. I got takes on both the nymph and the streamer, both on the drift and the swing. Quite a few brook trout came to say hello. Most were 6” to 8”. A midge wet fly also did well. I will write about that pattern in the future.

The two best fish are in the video below. One was 12” and the other was very pretty. I guess it pays to experiment with different flies.

Some photos below. Enjoy your Sunday!


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7 thoughts on “Wild Brook Trout

  1. Those are some gorgeous fish Jo! In contrast to my last few fishing trips, I fished a large northern NH river yesterday and did well. Report to come soon

  2. Beautiful native brook trout, nice and chunky too which is good to see. Amazing how pretty they get in the fall.

  3. Nice fish! I am a New York native used to fishing the trout streams of the Catskill Mountains. Do you have any suggestions for fishing areas within driving distance from Boston? I am living here for school and want to do some fly fishing this fall!

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