A Pod of Browns

During the warm spell this past week, I after work decided to see how a local freestone was doing. I wasn’t expecting to find any fish, but figured it was worth a shot.

I looked for deep and slow water. Found a tail-out at the end of a run. I knew from prior outings that there was a deep trench there. I started casting. In a few minutes, a fish was on, and I was very surprised and excited to land a brown trout. Then, I hooked another one.

The action stopped, and so, I headed down river. Nothing. Then, I headed up river. Nothing. After two hours in the chilly water, I decided to head back to the car but stopped first at the aforementioned tail-out. Caught two more browns. All four landed were good sized, with one likely pushing 12″.

Here is an unfiltered picture of one. A real butter belly.

All the takes were on a small Sexy Walt’s in black. A simple fly ruled the day.


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