I’m new to dry fly fishing as of last autumn. But, I’m hopelessly hooked.
I recall a warm afternoon during which I spent hours nymphing on the Millers, to no avail. Suddenly, fish started to rise as BWOs fluttered upwards. I floated a beetle imitation, as I didn’t have small BWOs on me. I was elated when it took two feisty browns, my first ones ever on the dry fly.
I still smile when I think about a mid-day autumn hatch of small caddis at the Westfield River. Problem: I was upstream and it was a very quiet pool. Every step I took seemed to create a pause in the rises.
So, practically holding my breath, pulse quickening, I slowly crept downstream. I floated a small caddis fly, letting out line for about 40′, hoping I wasn’t creating drag. A rise, I set the hook, and a trout went completely ape, pulling line and spinning around me in a large semi-circle, two or three times. A 18″ tiger trout came to the net. Later, a 19″ rainbow did, too.
So, I am sold on the whole stalking/hunting part of dry-fly fishing. The look out for rises, the stealthy wading, the hope that a false cast doesn’t put down the trout, and putting-all-the-chips-on-the-table with what I hope is a doable presentation. I’m decent at nymphing and am new to dries. It’s a fun new game to play.
Above, is a great video on dry-fly fishing. I think it really captures what it’s like.
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