River Report

Sorry guys, it’s been a few days. Just giving a quick report…

Over the past few days I’ve had to do a bit of driving for work. By “a bit”, I mean a lot. I was all over the state, but took it as an opportunity to check out some rivers. Here are some of the rivers I fished or drove by, and how they’re doing…

  1. The Swift – As usual, doing well. The water was surprisingly low, and some spots that are normally a foot or more were ankle deep. But with the Swift being a tailwater controlled by the Quabbin, it could easily change in a day. Anyways, the small brookies are thinning out. I didn’t see nearly as many as usual. And also, there were very few trout above route 9, so I mostly fished the pipe. A few trout were caught in my short visit, and all fell to size 24 black zebra midges. Also worth noting, I saw some “feeding frenzies” with crazy slashing at the surface form some big rainbows. I believe that they were actually gorging on the tiny brookies!
  2. The Ware River – Only stopped by here, didn’t fish. Flows were pretty good, and surprisingly enough, there were several other fly fishers there. A few of them reported catching one or two trout, with small pheasant tails and black woolly buggers being the popular flies.
  3. The Quinapoxet – I swung by here for 45 minutes at the most. Flows were pretty good, and I even managed to catch a December rainbow in my short trip. I was near River Street and caught the 14 incher on a size 18 pheasant tail.
  4. The Nissitissit – This is one of my “home rivers”, so I was glad to see it was doing well. Again, flows were surprisingly good, and the fish were cooperative. I talked to three other fly fishers, and each had caught at least 3 trout, with one of them landing 6! Not bad for December! I landed 4 myself – two on orange eggs, one on a pink San Juan worm, and one on a size 18 pheasant tail.
  5. The Parker – Don’t fish here now; it’s not doing well.
  6. Fish Brook – Same as the Parker. I’m not sure what happened. The Ipswich seemed to flood it or something.
So overall, most of the rivers are in good shape. Everything’s holding up well, considering how warm its been. If you are looking for some fish, give the Quinapoxet or Swift a shot if you’re in central Mass, or the Nissitissit if you’re in the northeast. For flies, everyone who I talked to agreed (no matter where in the state), that eggs, tiny nymphs, and San Juan worms are doing well. Use up the last of those 2014 licenses, and think about buying your 2015 license already! I’ll be on either the Nissitissit or the Swift (probably the Niss.) on January 1st, looking for the first trout of the year. If you’re in the area, maybe I’ll see you there!

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