I received some inquiries about the Euronymphing leader I used on last week’s steelhead trip to the Salmon River’s Lower Fly Zone. (Trip details here; my personal lessons learned here.) Here it is, along with the fly line and backing I used: 150 yards of 30# backing Royal Wulff #6 Triangle Taper floating fly line
Category: Salmon River
The Salmon River Lower Fly Zone: Steelhead Lessons Learned
After spending almost four full days last week at the Salmon River’s Lower Fly Zone (LFZ), I learned a lot (blog post here). On my first trip to the Salmon River in March, I also hit the LFZ a few times, and it was there that I landed my first-ever steelhead. So, I’ve incurred enough
Salmon River Steelhead Trip
Steelhead fishing is everything they say it is. It is cold, mentally and physically challenging, and redolent with glimpses of bedlam when a fish is on. And, it is absolutely and downright addicting for the fishing demented. I took a few days off for my second-ever trip to the Salmon River in NY. I’ve seen
A Detour
I was really pumped to spend the weekend at the Salmon River. I had tied new flies, bought a switch rod, and loaded the car. My anticipation was stratospheric. Unfortunately, a few hours before waking up for the long drive, the powers-that-be unleashed high flows from the dam. I already was beyond the cancellation deadline