About 15 years ago, after many years of being a spincast trout fisherman, I was just getting my feet wet as a fly fisherman. I’d been fly fishing a few times, but had always had my fly fishing mentor there to help me out. The fly fishing bug had me in its grasp, but I
Author: Bill Hager
My experience with waders is the exact opposite of all my other life experiences. My life experience tells me: “You get what you pay for.” My wader experience tells me “You get about two years, no matter how much you pay for them.” My experience in life tells me that the longer you have something,
A Dear Field Letter
Dear Field, I’m writing you this letter because our friendship is in peril. It seems like the nexus of our problem stems from that dam Fife. He seems to be flooding you constantly with hyper-hydro affection. Every time I wade in your direction, you push me away with the torrents of rage that stem from
Reunion Tour
Friendship… is born at the moment when one man says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’ — C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves I had known Doover1 for several years, but it wasn’t until I walked into his faculty office in the microbiology building at the University of Georgia and he told