Fishy Friends

Fellow blogger Dave Hyde kindly me invited me out to fish, and that’s what I needed to get my non-fishy rear out on the water. As you may recall, I’m teaching at a local business school again this semester, which means I have two day jobs right now. It’s a lot of fun, but by the time Friday night rolls around, I am pretty wiped out and cannot fathom getting up early to fish.

But, fishing with a friend is a different sort of thing. I’m game for that.

Dave and I fished a half-day together, and I then spent most of the afternoon throwing small dries. In the morning, it was all about the bobber for me. A big articulated streamer didn’t get any hits, and I resigned myself to throwing egg patterns. By luck, the first few rang the bell, and when I eventually lost them to snags and feisty fish, I was out of luck. Mostly.

The brook trout were stunning and colored up for the fall.

In the afternoon, I threw dries nearly all of the time and managed to have three on during a midge hatch but didn’t land any, unfortunately. Towards the end of the day, I went back to an egg pattern and miraculously found myself tied to a big brown that in the end taped at 17″.

During the drive home, I chatted with fellow blogger Ashu Rao, who is still fishing hard and enjoying his new job down south. I have to say that working on this blog has been a lot of work but a lot of fun as well. The best part? The fishy friends. The team members are passionate about getting on the water, and I feel fortunate to be part of the crew.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and has some fun plans for Thanksgiving.


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