Trout Stocking Update (Spring 2021)

It’s soon going to be “game on” here in New England for trout.

Connecticut has started stocking and the Governor just moved up Opening Day from mid-April to March 4. (Note that the Farmington is still catch-and-release until April 10 and that the permanent TMA section is always so.)

Massachusetts will start rolling any day now. NH and VT should start stocking in a few weeks.

If you’re interested in following the stocking updates, here are some links (some states haven’t updated their sites yet for 2021):

Also, don’t forget our River Guides (a full list here). There, we have fly recommendations classified by river and type of fly.

And, we profile some of the more heavily-stocked waters: the Swift (Y-Pool, Hatchery Pipe “Toilet Bowl,” Bondsville, and its east branch), Westfield, Millers, Farmington, Willimantic, Squannacook, Quinapoxet, Souhegan, and the Upper Connecticut’s “Trophy Stretch.”

If you’re looking to get into Euronymphing, there’s unfortunately a shortage in some areas for good tightlining rods, both new and used. I listed for sale (on the low side) a Euro rod on Facebook…and got an offer in 15 minutes. The rod will go to a local, young father looking to get into Euro, and so, I’m happy.

If you’re on a wait list, I’d definitely stay on it. A good Euro rod really is worth the wait.

Here are some fish from last spring. Get ready!


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2 thoughts on “Trout Stocking Update (Spring 2021)

  1. I clicked on NY for our streams and creeks. It brings up 2020 stocking times and locations not 2021. Is this an error in date of year??

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