Swift River Steelhead Worm Fly: THE SNACK ATTACK

Hope this post finds everyone healthy and happy as can be given the current situation. At least, we can still get out in the woods.

Given that the rain seems to want to keep the rivers all high, I figured you all may want to get a secret fly recipe that keeps the rod bending and the net full. Even in high water and/or tailwaters.

It’s the Swift River Steelhead Worm Fly. It’s like a steelhead fly but sized for the picky fish you may encounter at certain rivers or pools in the area. I don’t know why they are so picky either.

So, here is the recipe:

  • Pick out a nice mild thread. The thicker the better. You are gonna need that strength to keep the fish from vacuuming the pattern off the hook.
A good thick thread is necessary.
  • Pick your hook. I think you can pick the hook for the expected quarry and the size worm fly you are going to tie. I like a jig hook between 10 and 16, but a nymph hook works just fine, too. Make sure to pick out a complementary bead head to get some weight on there. It’s not going to sink itself now, is it?!?!
Choose a size to match your quarry.
  • Get that thread started.
Get those thread wraps down the shank.
  • Crack open a fresh jar and breath deeply. Realllllllly deep. And, love it. Don’t feel guilty. Love yo’ self. Love that powerful bait.
Crack it and take a good sniff. Let the scent flow through you.
  • Extract enough of the plastic sausage for the fish to gulp down.
Extract the appropriate bait sausage links for the number of flies being tied.

  • Or, alternatively, choose another style of worm like the eggheads at Berkley would.  This is more towards the size 10 to 16 hooks.
For “larger” sizes try this variety, they tend to hold up better anyways.
Look at that. Ribbed for the fish’s pleasure.
  • Threading the hook all the way down the shaft helps keep the materials in place.  Place gentle loops around the worm material so you don’t cut through the squirming, life-like plastic-flesh noodle. Make sure to secure the head, but head cement is not required. Don’t want to mess with that scent.
You choose to finish off the head with some thin cement, but it might interfere with all that delicious fly scent.
  • The smaller sizes don’t even need to be locked in!
Smaller flies don’t even need the ultimate junk to be tied in.

I went down to the local flow and chucked this hearty meal to the picky steelhead in the area. They remained picky today. But, I was joined by a hungry brown that needed that meat.

Look at that tasty snack.

Here is no joke: when out and about, I always keep a couple of essentials in my truck.  An Orvis five-weight, a couple of fly boxes, a Vedavoo pinch pouch for leaders and such, and now, a baggy of SNACKS.

P.S.: I hope this brought a smile to ya’ll. Be safe out there.

P.P.S.: The larger size seen in the fish’s mouth actually worked really well in high water conditions…. Just sayin’.


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8 thoughts on “Swift River Steelhead Worm Fly: THE SNACK ATTACK

  1. I was starting to get worried… then remembered the day 🙂

    ha ha ha!!!

    Stay healthy and well!

  2. Hope everyone has a great April! Thanks for reading and hope spring starts getting warm!

  3. You had me going, Joe! Good one! I was debating whether or not to post “might as well be fishing bait!”

  4. Got 8 Chrome LandLocks and a Giant Laker. This AM. On Flies, Pics on Instagram. Cheers!
    Spillover 2020, has Officially Begun??

    Had a Magical Feeling, about Deep Downstream on the Swift. After such Flows, On The Meat!


    William D. Flack

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