The Connecticut River Trophy Stretch: Update 4

My daughter decided to sleep in on the morning of our departure from Pittsburg, NH. So, I had two hours to fish and was hoping for the best. I hit a Trophy Stretch spot that I knew had salmon and proceeded to tightline.


The sun rose and illuminated the river’s surface, and I started to see a few midges pop.

After a bit, I started to run into fish, a small brookie here and a rainbow there. Then, my sighter paused, and a landlocked Atlantic salmon jumped a few times. Those fish are so fast and powerful.

I slid the fish into the net. Mission accomplished. Salmon are absolutely beautiful, almost regal in their bearing.

With that done, I started to experiment. A wool indicator here, a plastic indicator there. I rotated flies, too.

Some Caddis started to pop, and I started to see a few splashy rises. So, I teamed up unweighted flies, a tiny Hare’s Ear and a small Pheasant Tail, with a NZ indicator. My goal was to avoid spooking any fishing looking up top and to swing the flies just under the surface film, at some very soft bubbly water. Thankfully, on the second cast, a good-sized brook trout showed itself.

Later, I had another salmon on, another jumper. It popped off a few feet from the net.

But, I wasn’t disappointed. My daughter and I had an amazing trip. We drove home with full hearts and an even tighter bond between us.

Many thanks to Tall Timber for another great stay! A happy Father’s Day to all!


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7 thoughts on “The Connecticut River Trophy Stretch: Update 4

  1. Jo, great reports from the CT! Happy Father’s Day! Great to hear that you were able to spend quality time on the water with your daughter. Landing so many fish is a nice bonus too 😉 One of my favorite things as a parent is being on a river fly fishing with my kids. Glad for you and your daughter.

  2. Props for fishing with your daughter. Great memories. She will be off on her own before you know it. I tell you that first hand.

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