
On my Bucket List is a trip to Kamchatka.

It’s an extraordinary expense and would require a huge amount of travel time. Who knows if I ever can swing it. But, a guy can dream, right?

It’s on the list because of reports of huge fish in large numbers. Recently, I listened to a podcast interview with Will Blair. He talked about catching 50 to 100 20″+ wild rainbows a day on dries and mouse patterns.

In the meantime, I re-watched the video below. Will Blair is in it. Information on Will’s Kamchatka programs is here.

If only….


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4 thoughts on “Kamchatka

  1. Our last presentation at the Nor’East TU Chapter (on Jan 8th) was by David Comb on his two trips to Kamchatka. It was a fascinating lecture. Sorry you missed it!

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