Wild Fish

A while ago, I heard about an unstocked stream that has some wild fish in it. I long have wanted to fish it and finally had a brief window to try it out Friday at end-of-day.

It’s your typical small and meandering stream. Short runs, some riffles, a few plunge pools. Much of the water is shallow. Beautiful scenery abounds. No need for waders or a fishing vest. Just a box of flies and a fly rod.

At the first spot, I swung a small Pheasant Tail and pulled three chubs from a bend. Tried a few more spots and just enjoyed exploring.

Then, I found a small waterfall and wondered if a fish would be at the bottom. Threw out a small Frenchie, felt a take and saw a flash. Before I could overcome my surprise, the fish popped off. I kept trying. Another take.

This time, I remembered to pull in line to tighten the tension. Much thrashing around. And, this absolutely gem of a fish came to hand.

Short window. Went to a small stream that supposedly has wild fish. Yup. #joy #flyfishing #wildfish

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I love catching big fish and high-volume days. But, sometimes, a walk in the woods has its merits, too.

For example, on Saturday morning, I fished a freestone for four hours. It had been stocked a few weeks ago. Most takes were very delicate, as the trout seem educated already. Went 14-for-20, and it was fun. But, that single wild fish?

It was exhilarating.


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2 thoughts on “Wild Fish

  1. Nothing better than those wild fish – and the tiny streams that hide them from most folks 🙂

  2. Nice brown! Most of the blue lines in NH have brookies only although I’ve heard rumors of natural born bows and browns way up north

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