Thank You, Tall Timber

I’m really grateful to the good folks at Tall Timber Lodge for another great stay.

It was “the usual”: a clean room, great food, genuine customer service, and spectacular views. A particular shout out to Tom Caron, one of the owners, for always being a friendly resource. I loved getting up early, making coffee, and being the only one awake to enjoy the sunrise.

It is always with mixed feelings when I leave Tall Timber. Sad to go. Glad I will return next year for what will be my 12th stay.

We left the lodge at dawn to squeeze in a few hours of fishing before the long drive back. I’m glad we did.

While demonstrating a dry fly cast to one of my kids, a fish gulped the size 20 fly. After a fun battle, a good-sized brown, about 13″, came to the net.

It had perfect fins, and so, I wondered if it was wild

Later, another brown and a big brookie also arrived. We caught many rainbows. Maybe, over a dozen? It was very gratifying to teach dry fly fishing to my child, and then, see the young angler catch trout on small dries.

A great time. A very special weekend involving fish and family time.


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