
Holy crap. I wonder if there’s a drought coming this summer?

I after work fished a very local freestone and have never seen water so low at that body of water. Thankfully, water temperatures are still doable for trout, but I am growing more concerned that this is going to be a tough summer for the fish.

I’ve noticed that the trout are hanging out more and more in riffles. I think they’re hiding there, since the usual runs and pools are getting pretty shallow. I also learned that they wanted very simple and small flies. Nothing garish, nothing too bright. So, a #18 black Sexy Walt’s was the ticket. Nothing else worked.

Landed over a dozen fall fish and panfish. And, landed some trout, too.

A Happy Friday to all!


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3 thoughts on “Drought?

    1. I find the Walt's and Sexy Walt's are great searching flies. And, I decided on black to show the trout something new, particularly on highly-pressured waters. Most of the bugs trout eat are black, brown, or brown-olive, and so, I thought I'd give it a shot.

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