A Dry Fly Search Pattern

When water temps and depth are right, I’m looking forward to fishing the Parachute Hare’s Ear Dry as a search pattern. I nymph and swing wets/streamers to search for trout, but I never before have used a dry when there’s no obvious hatch.

I first heard about it via Tom Rosenbauer’s Prospecting for Trout, which is one of my all-time favorite fly fishing books. He says this pattern is his #1 dry to fish as a search pattern.I nymph often with the Hare’s Ear, as it mimics quite a few mayfly nymphs. But, I’m looking forward to seeing how it does as a dry.

Click up top or here for a great video on how to tie it. I really like Tim Cammisa’s videos. He’s very thorough and clear.

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