Kelly Galloup of The Slide Inn recently posted a video that has created quite a stir. He asks if Euronymphing is really fly fishing, among other things. I agree with a lot of what he says, though I don’t think he realizes that Euro can involve streamers and dries, as we have documented on this
Category: Euronymphing
Paying to Play: My Experience at DePuy Spring Creek and Whether or Not I’ll Be Back
This past summer, I was lucky enough to spend five nights in Western Montana with little in the way of obligations. What was supposed to be a family trip turned into a personal vacation after my daughter was running a fever the day of our flight. My wife insisted that I still go, and I
Tying the Golden Doodle Jig Streamer
I wanted to write up a quick post about tying one of my own concoctions that I call the Golden Doodle. I came up with this idea a couple of years ago but in the last year and a half I’ve really refined it and come up with a solid recipe that has put
Tightline Fishing the Past Month
The last month has had it’s ups and downs as far as my fishing journey has been concerned. Most of my favorite trout spots have been stocked and fishing decently. October is an interesting time because you’ve got lots of freshly stocked fish that get hammered by anglers and become quickly educated. Fluctuating temps can