Montana 2023

Hello from Montana!

I have not had extended time off since 1995 and was able to arrange my schedule to have my first-ever sabbatical. It will focus on 30 days of fly fishing in Montana.

I won’t have time to write much on this blog, as my days are pretty full as I try to keep costs low: meals at home, DIY fishing, tying my own flies, staying at an affordable place 30 minutes away, etc.

But I have been posting on Instagram here to share river conditions, fly selection, and what it’s like out here. So, if you’re interested in seeing what’s happening, catch me there!

Have made loads of mistakes so far but have been fortunate to see some amazing fish. All the fish here are wild: Montana stopped stocking a while ago, and the trout are wily and fight hard.

Tight lines!


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