2018 Fly Fishing Show: Tim Flagler and Ed Engle

I was really excited to see on social media that noted fly tier Tim Flagler will be leading a class at the Marlborough show.

So, I’ve signed up.

The class will be focused on making small flies. I’m a huge fan of Tim’s work. For example, here is an ingenious Micro Egg pattern.

A few years ago, I attended Ed Engle’s class and learned a ton. He will be back to teach another session on nymphing.

More info on the show here. So, hope to see you there!

Last, if you’re still looking for a holiday gift, don’t forget our recommended gifts and Top 5 fly-fishing books.


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5 thoughts on “2018 Fly Fishing Show: Tim Flagler and Ed Engle

  1. I am looking forward to the show as well. Hoping to make the Saturday session. On my must see list is checking out Rich Strolis tie up some of his streamers and talking with him. Also can’t wait to start tying my own flies. I have been watching most of Tim’s videos on his Vimeo channel and I think his explanations will be very helpful as I make the foray into the art. Thanks again for the great blog. I only stumbled onto it mid summer but have picked up and learned a lot in a short amount of time. Happy Holidays!

  2. Those Tight Line videos are outstanding, and I learned plenty from them too. With regard to a parachute style fly, the best tip I ever got on tying those was from a Charlie Craven video that shows how to leave the thread hanging on the post while pointing the fly downward. I find this makes it so much easier to tie off the hackle(s) at the base of the wing post.

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