TL;DR: Blog improvements? Speed and fly recommendations for specific rivers.
Thanks to you, some blog improvements on the technology front have been required.
The short answer is that traffic has really been high, and it has slowed down the blog. So, I’ve put in some back-end improvements that will increase page speed retrievals. And, a long list of tweaks. So, most of the blog improvements won’t be visible to you other than, hopefully, faster response time.
However, I also have added tags to some posts. If you look at the blog’s right-side margin, you’ll see this:
The more numerous the posts for that tag, the larger the font.
It’s a work-in-progress, given that we have over 600 posts that have been written in just a few years. The goal of the tags is to offer a more granulated screen by which you can search the blog. I’m starting to tag items such as fly shops and names.
Also, I’m identifying flies that have worked at certain rivers. If you’re going to the Swift, for example, you ahead of time can hit the tags called “Swift River nymphs” or “Swift River dries.” I cannot guarantee success, other than the flies that have been tagged have consistently produced for me. If flies didn’t do well, I didn’t tag them to certain rivers.
So, I hope that this helpful!
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Thanks for the blog, love reading it and learning from it. The fly recipe/river aspect is awesome.
Thanks, Derek! Have you been out tightlining since your session with Zach? It’s a blast, isn’t it?
I have not, it is the fall wedding season and I have been obligated to some newly weds but I will be after this weekend , Farmington, swift and Stillwater will be my objective watery get always. I will be letting you know my success rates (I hope). Also a tip I have for you and the readers is more for the bulk Tyler’s, is a Plano type box you can get at harbor freight tools that has 24 small clear plastic boxes inside it that is great fly storage. I’ll send you pictures tonight when I get home from work. This might be a good idea for the blog , some no traditional tricks and products for the sport and even ways to make your own tolls and accessories.
Thank you!
Can you send me your email when I hit the link it does not show and I will send the pics of the storage boxes.
I will need an email address or some way to send you the pictures of the storage boxes. The link to the gmails does not seem to work
My gmail is BlogFlyFishMA[at]