MassWildlife and TU Forum

Here’s a very cool event on Saturday. Adam will be there! I have my wife’s family visiting with us this week, and we are driving them to the airport on Saturday morning. My hope is that I can catch part of this event, if my schedule permits. Click here to register. More info:

Join MassWildlife and Trout Unlimited for a forum to showcase the resources that MassWildlife contributes to coldwater fisheries management and habitat protection, highlight past cooperative efforts between MassWildlife and Trout Unlimited, and discuss areas in which to partner in the future.

9:30-10:00 Registration and Coffee

10:00-10:10 Welcome: Jack Buckley, MassWildlife Director

10:10-11:00 MassWildlife Resources for Coldwater Fisheries

Introduction: Todd Richards, MassWildlife Assistant Director of Fisheries

  • Historical Database- Keeping track of trout and other species: Jason Stolarski, MassWildlife Watershed Project Leader
  • Climate Change Brook Trout Vulnerability Assessment: Becca Quiñones, MassWildlife Stream Biologist Project Leader
  • Land Acquisition with Coldwater Resources in Mind: Craig MacDonnell, MassWildlife Chief of Wildlife Lands
  • Coldwater Fishery Resources in Drought: Adam Kautza, MassWildlife Coldwater Fishery Resource Project Leader

11:00-12:00 Putting the Partnership to Work: Trout Unlimited/MassWildilfe Joint Projects

Introduction: Bill Pastuzek, President, Greater Boston Trout Unlimited

  • Red Brook Land Protection to Science: Warren Winders, Board Member, Southeast Massachusetts Trout Unlimited
  • Land Trusts – Cooperation and the TU NLC: Garry Crago, National Leadership Council Representative, MA-RI Council
  • Crowningshield Property: Bruce Osterling, Board Member, Greater Boston Trout Unlimited and Sudbury Valley Trustees
  • Nissitissit Focus Area Projects – Gulf Brook and Millie Turner Dam: Dave Armstrong, Board of Directors, Squan-a-Tissit Chapter Trout Unlimited

12:00-12:30 Wrap-up and Next Steps


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3 thoughts on “MassWildlife and TU Forum

  1. Thanks for posting this, however I cannot believe this is the first I am hearing of it just 2 days before the meeting? No blame to this blog but rather MA Fish and Game for doing a poor job in not getting the word out to local flyshops, local groups, newspapers and social media such as FB, Twitter. If anyone can make it PLEASE ask for a status update on when the fish ladder is expected to finally be installed on the Quonipoxet!

    1. Hey Jackson, thanks for the interest. This meeting was precipitated by an interest from local TU chapters and the MA/RI TU Council to have an audience with MassWildlife. The primary aims of the meeting are to discuss some of the work that MassWildlife does protecting coldwater fisheries, showcase TU’s efforts in protecting trout and their habitats, and highlight the potential for increased cooperation in future endeavors. Invitations to local TU chapters and members, as well as the regional TU council were distributed several weeks ago. This meeting was not advertised more widely because its relatively narrow goal was to facilitate communication between MassWildlife and TU and not necessarily as a general meeting. That doesn’t mean anyone is excluded however! If you have any specific questions please let me know (but please contact me at my office or via my work email – both can be found on MassWildlife website)

    2. FYI, I received a month ago an email about this event from my local TU chapter. Forgot to write about it. Then, someone with the private Millers River Facebook group pushed a post and then reminded me to write about it that day. So, the good news is that we are publicizing the event and the bad news is that I should’ve done it earlier. Sorry about that!

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