New Tightline Nymphing Video

I blogged yesterday about Devin Olsen, who is with Fly Fishing Team USA. Coincidentally, I just learned that he and Lance Egan, a true legend and also on the national team, have produced a new video on tightline nymphing. Trailer up top.

Egan is one of the best anglers in the world and invented some amazing flies, such as the Frenchie, the Rainbow Warrior, and the Iron Lotus (more here).

Tightlining, as I’ve blogged before, is insanely effective. That’s why all competitive anglers use it much of the time. If you’re a visual learner, or just want to learn about the technique, their video is available as a DVD or a stream. I’ve pre-ordered the latter, and with the promo code “earlybird,” it cost me a very doable $17.

There is a pre-order button embedded in the upper right corner in the video trailer up top.


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