Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone! May this holiday season be filled with rest and rejuvenation. May we try to forgive those who have grieved us. May we choose to look at our glass as half-full.

And, of course, best wishes for tight lines this season. Spring will be here before you know it! It has been fun interacting with so many of you online and at the rivers.

Below, are some soft hackles which I tied for fun this morning. Glass beads for soft touchdowns when targeting spooky fish in the shallows. Some Hare’s Ear dubbing, CDC and a red hotspot collar.

Some razzle dazzle, too; a thread tag on one and, for the other, a body ribbed with some Krystal Flash and mono tippet. When counter-wrapped, the mono adds some durability to the fly.

Enjoy the day!

Waiting for the family to gather. Might as well tie! #flyfishing #flytying #orvis #barbless #softhackles

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6 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. A couple of beauties! Love that CDC hackle, I bet the fish do too! Something for me to try in 2017 for sure.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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