Overview: the Quinapoxet River

Thank you for all of the positive feedback on the primer on the Westfield River’s East Branch! It is motivating me to write about other rivers near metro areas.

The context is that I’ve done a fair amount of driving and online research over the years to find “spots” closer to Worcester and Boston. I’ve found decent action at some conveniently located rivers. I’m happy to share my findings.

The Quinapoxet is one such good river. It’s productive after the spring and fall stockings. It also can fish well in the winter, as one blogger wrote here.

133 River St., Holden, MA (map coordinates)
I’ve had good luck fishing the pool there. That’s a stocking point, and there’s a pretty large and deep pool there below the bridge. I’d fish both sides of the pool with nymphs.

Below that is a very nice and long run, ideal for streamers. I caught a 15″ rainbow there. Video is up top.

Further downstream are more good spots, and some wild brookies hold there, too.

75 River St., Holden, MA (map coordinates)
It’s quieter water there, but there was a fantastic bunch of trout rising in the late afternoon the last time I fished it. Skunked, but it was fun to creep up on them and try to land them on a dry.

Near Trout Brook (map coordinates)
I’ve read that this can be a good area, with water from the brook creating both additional flow and forage. If that road isn’t accessible, it looks like you can access that area off of Manning St. (here).

Along the Central Mass. Rail Trail (map coordinates)
Supposedly, there are some good spots if you hike along the trail and follow the it to the river.

Off the beaten path (here and here)
I hear these are good areas, but that the dirt road there is seasonal. If anyone has fished those areas, please comment.


So, keep this river in mind. Monitor the spring stocking schedule sometime starting in mid-April. As long as you hit the river early in the morning, like I’ve done, you’ll beat the crowds.


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10 thoughts on “Overview: the Quinapoxet River

  1. I know this is an old post but I had a successful afternoon on the Quinnie a few days ago. 3 decent sized brookies and 4 rainbows, one of which was close to 20 inches! There are plenty of fish In this river if you’re willing to look for them.

    1. Hi CJ, no one has answered the question, and so, I will venture a guess: would be tough. Most winter action is at bottom-released tailwaters with C&R sections (Farmington, Deerfield, etc.). The Q. gets cleaned up pretty well by the catch-and-keep crowd.

      There could be a few holdovers at some of the deeper and quieter runs, but I think the odds are very low. Might be worth a visit, given the air temps right now are in the 40s….

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