Ed Engle’s Nymphing Class and Tall Timber Lodge

(Tall Timber Lodge)

Well, that was really fun and interesting.

I this morning went to the Fly Fishing Show and feel lucky that I was able to take Ed Engle’s class. There were only 10 of us around the table, and so, the session afforded for some great Q&A and discussion. I learned a ton.

As you may know, Ed is a noted guide and author of three amazing books. I’ve written about him before. He is so experienced, but yet, so down-to-earth, too.

If you fish the Swift River, I think his books are a must-read, and a number of the flies he’s recommended in Tying Small Flies have been absolute killers. Ed often fishes a tailwater, the S. Platte River in Colorado. So, many of his lessons learned are applicable to the Swift.

After the class, I walked around the exhibit and was able to see some old friends, including Tom Caron, Dave Poole, and Jon Howe of Tall Timber Lodge. They showed me a photo of a monster brown trout that was caught yesterday up in Pittsburg, NH. A hog. The state recently changed the fishing regulations and the area below Murphy Dam is producing some big browns, like the 25″ one up top.

I head up to Tall Timber each year and am looking forward to what I think will be my 11th stay there. I know it’s snowing out today, but my mind is already drifting forward to anticipating an outing like last year’s, with some huge fish and dozens landed each day. On my last trip, if memory serves me right, I think I landed about 70 trout and landlocked salmon. Fish are everywhere up there.

Today was another great day.


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2 thoughts on “Ed Engle’s Nymphing Class and Tall Timber Lodge

  1. I missed the show this year, but the good thing Bears Den has one in February. I know you said you have not been there yet well its worth a trip it is huge , he usually has the the size 26,28,and 30 gama midge hooks in stock and has a ton of stuff in the store,this weekend coming up is the Outdoor show in Boxborough that is usually held in Worcester.we have some things to do to quell cabin fever.

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