Tight Quarters

I took a vacation day to fish the Swift. Seemed like quite a few others had the same idea. It was insanely packed. Steve Culton just blogged (here) that the Farmington also was busy.

Saw pretty aggressive behavior as people wedged in, but, hey, I’ve long accepted that angler etiquette is different at the Swift.

I started at the hatchery pipe area in the morning, until the number of anglers made me pull up and head north to fish spots up to, and including, the Y Pool. Landed 11 in all and headed home at 2 pm. Two brookies, one brown, and the rest were ‘bows.

Great to swap flies with Dave, meet Paul, and see again Bill R., to whom I gave some flies, as he’s always been a great source of advice.

Highlights included the big brown above. But, my favorite fish was the rainbow below. About 16″. Caught on a size 30 dry on 8x in a super calm stretch. A handmade fly tied onto a barbless hook. Saw the dry fly disappear amidst the gentlest of sips. Couldn’t believe it.
I’m still new at dry fly fishing, and so, am pumped when I get a take. Pure bliss.

Also, Gronk and Edelman were back at practice today. Good news.

Edit: the dry fly is in the photo below. Black thread, black hackle, extra-small gold wire for ribbing.


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8 thoughts on “Tight Quarters

  1. I fished the Swift yesterday also and yes the crowd at the pipe was ridiculous. I managed to land 4 on the surface and then finished the day at the Y pool. I caught an evening hatch just at sundown and had the place by myself. I landed four more on top.

  2. I wish I could tell. Something in the size 20 range. The conditions were perfect, no wind and no other anglers.

  3. Jo, nice talking with you Friday and thanks for the flies. The Mole fly I gave you works, try it from 22-30 and use feathers instead of puffs if you tue some. Dave

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