It’s Midge Time at the Swift

It was an interesting morning at the Swift today. I started off going one-for-seven. Seven takes and one landed. The fish are not only selective, but they quickly spit out flies even faster than a few weeks ago. A few popped off my small barbless hooks.

Some regulars at the Y Pool resorted to San Juan worms and other junk flies. Even that proved largely ineffective. The only person catching at the Y Pool was a guy slowly retrieving small midge emergers.

I decided to switch spots.

Fortunately, I then went six-for-eight. I found some active trout moving around, as the sun rose higher and the bug activity increased.

It’s all about midges, it seems. I pumped a few trout stomachs. No more size 18 sulphurs. All I saw were extremely small brown bugs, some just a few millimeters in length. The only bugs I saw hatching were extremely small midges.

So, get those midge flies ready.


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