The Best Flies: the 10% that Catch 90% of Trout

I have a major weakness: I’m in love with fly-fishing flies.

I really enjoy reading about them, talking about them, visiting fly shops to see them, and making them. If I see/hear/learn something might be effective, I have to use a Jedi Mind Trick (see video above) to keep me from buying or making that fly.

And, I suck at it.

That’s why I have oodles of fly boxes filled with flies I’ve never fished. And, I’m writing this to myself: you don’t need a lot of flies.

Here’s what works for me, if I were to boil it down:

  • Nymphs: Hare’s Ear, Pheasant Tail, Zebra Midge
  • Dry flies: Elkhair Caddis, Adams
  • Streamers: Wooly Bugger, Marabou

What about you?

The more I read one of my favorite blogs, Small Stream Reflections, the more I realize there’s a tremendous beauty in fly fishing simply but effectively.

Time for me to simplify, methinks.


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