A Quick Swift Report

Sorry guys, I was planning on posting this last night, but I was really busy. Here’s a really short Swift report from Sunday.

I hit the Swift in the early morning, and made my way up to the Y-Pool. There was almost nobody there. Very weird at the Swift. Anyways, I caught a bunch of tiny brookies (never gets old!) on tiny dries, and had a blast doing it. It was very cold, especially because it was so early, and a lot of fish were sluggish.

After a while, I decided to fish for some rainbows in the “Bubbler Arm”, so I decided to wake them up with my “Junk Special”. This is the name I have dubbed one of my most productive rigs, a rig that would make many fly fishermen cringe. A egg and San Juan Worm combo. Well, it worked pretty well – I took 4 rainbows in an hour, 2 on the egg, 2 on the worm. That was it – I was only there for a few hours. Not a bad outing, and I’ll be back soon.


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2 thoughts on “A Quick Swift Report

  1. Solid outing for a cold day (or any day)! Whatever catches fish is fine with me! I know some fly fishermen don't like wooly buggers/wooly worms, but they are too productive to ignore. Glad to see you were able to catch a few brookies. I wonder if you would be able to catch a few of the larger brookies in the river with traditional small stream flies like some soft hackles, wooly buggers, and streamers (mickey finn) in sizes 12 and 14. Just a thought because I know the rainbows will come up for those small flies, but maybe some larger brookies are holding out on you! You know that river better than me though.

  2. I'm with you on the woolly buggers/worms. They are very versatile flies, and definitely have their place. And yes, the larger brookies can be taken on flies like that. While the rainbows usually take tiny midges, I have caught a few on smaller streamers, and soft hackles always catch fish. But sometimes I will come across a school of 4 of 5 brookies in the 12 inch range, and they will sometimes hit a sort hackle or streamer. I hadn't seen many brookies that size until this year, and a lot of times they just refuse to eat, but they can be taken on those larger flies.


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