In just a few days, the Upper Madison has transformed. Gone are the salmon flies and thick mayfly hatches. You still see some risers, but the windows are brief. One local has refocused on fishing the lakes. Jake at the Slide Inn fly shop says that we are now in an “in between” phase: bug
Category: Rainbow Trout
Montana: Update
So, where to start. I fish six to 12 hours a day, less when I have work obligations. The days blur together now as I throw dries, have lunch at the river, and try to get dialed in. The dry-fly fishing has gone from lights out to challenging. The fish used to key in on
Day 0.5
I landed at Bozeman, picked up the car and a lunch, and headed straight for the Madison River. The drive was glorious once you got out of the city. Bugs were everywhere: salmon flies, mayflies, and caddis in all sizes and colors. View this post on Instagram A post shared by (@blogflyfish) Anglers were
‘Bows and Blowtorches and Bears, Oh My!
A warm welcome to Chris Lawson, who will be writing periodic guest posts. Thank you, Bill Hager, for connecting us with Chris! I’m not on the river nearly as much as I would like to be these days. Three kids, a wife in grad school, a job, and a new puppy will do that to