The river was chock full of anglers when I arrived at 7 am. Not every spot was taken: just the ones I wanted to fish. I fished the B water, working my way around anglers. A tightliner above me did well, fishing heavy flies. Relegated to skinny water, I focused on dries. I started with
Category: Brown Trout
More Euro Dry-Dropper Work
It doesn’t make sense to drive four hours to fish for four hours. Not much of fly fishing makes sense to non-anglers: the long drives, the early wake-up times, the incorrigible obsessions with fly-pattern details, water flows, and bug hatches. But to devout anglers, it all makes absolute sense. View this post on Instagram A
Two of a Kind
I wrote last time after a mediocre outing on how fly fishing can be unpredictable: some days are great, some are meh, and most are in-between. Well, today was pretty darn good! I fished a half day, rising early and hitting the river as soon as I could. Immediately, I could see the river had
This past weekend’s fishing outing was arduous: 15 hours door-to-door, very few rises, and not much fish activity. View this post on Instagram A post shared by (@blogflyfish) I tightlined a favorite run and landed a few browns and a brookie on a size 18 Pheasant Tail and a small Sulphur nymph, about which