After a couple of good outings on the Deerfield, Farmington, or Swift, it’s tempting to think that one’s fly fishing expertise has risen to the next level. When catching a few skittish trout, one begins to think, “I bet George Daniel or Pat Dorsey couldn’t have caught those trout.” After posting a few nice trout pics
Author: Bill Hager
On Saturday, when Jo and I were departing from the river, I asked if he wanted to write about our day’s adventures or if he wanted me to. He said it didn’t matter. He would write something up, but I could too if I wanted to. “Well, I might if you promise not to edit
Can You Repeat a Magic Moment?
When magic happens once, should you try to make it happen again? Or should you be content to let that magic moment stand in your memory, untarnished by the memory of subsequent failures? I can’t speak for every trout fisherman, but for me, it’s an irresistible temptation to try to make it happen again. Do
Caught Four, Shoulda Been More
This past weekend Doover2 and I decided to go fishing to see if we could scare up a few trout. Friday night, as we were texting back and forth about where we should go, we were all over the map. With my weakened medical condition, I was looking for something that wouldn’t require a lot